Lemon Hill Fountain Garden Restoration Project 5
2972 Sedgley Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19130
April 27th
10:00am – 12:00pm
Lemon Hill Neighbors has embarked on a restoration of the garden and landscape around the fountain entry way along Sedgley Drive to bring it to a natural pollinator garden. Tasks will include- tagging plants, removing plants, planting seeds and starters, distributing leaf litter, trash cleanup and composting.
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Lemon Hill Trail Management 4
Lemon Hill Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19130
May 3rd
10:00am – 12:00pm
It's Spring! And that means getting the Lemon Hill Trail in shape for the season. Help us mulch paths, hack and remove any overgrowth, invasives and debris. Long Pants and Shirts Recommended. Ticks and poison ivy is present on this trail. Gloves/tools supplied. For the Trail Based Events: Meeting will be outside Lemon Hill Mansion (that's where the toolshed is) Lemon Hill Dr, Philadelphia, PA 19130
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Love Your Park Week 2025
Philadelphia Parks
May 10th – May 18th
All Day
This spring, show your favorite neighborhood park some love! Love Your Park Week is a nine-day celebration of Philadelphia's public parks from May 10-18, 2025.
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Open Volunteer Workday – Concourse Lake
Concourse Lake, Philadelphia, PA 19131
May 27th
9:00am – 12:00pm
Join Fairmount Park Conservancy staff for a volunteer day at Concourse Lake. Together, we will work on tree care (weeding and mulching), trail cleanup, woody cleanup along the lake edge, and trash removal. All tools, including gloves, will be provided. BACKGROUND Concourse Lake in West Fairmount Park was officially dedicated as a Philadelphia Native Plant Park on June 9, 2012. Since then, a diverse collection of native trees and shrubs has been planted throughout the 14-acre site, enhancing the natural habitat and supporting local biodiversity.
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Open Volunteer Workday – Parkside Edge
John Welsh Memorial Fountain, Avenue of the Republic, Philadelphia, PA 19104
May 29th
9:00am – 12:00pm
Join Fairmount Park Conservancy staff for a volunteer day at Parkside Edge. Together, we will work on plant care (weeding and mulching), watering, and trash removal. All tools, including gloves, will be provided.
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Chamounix Drive Weekly Volunteer Workday
4200 Chamounix Drive, Philadelphia, PA 19131
May 29th
4:00pm – 7:00pm
Join Fairmount Park Conservancy on Thursdays from 4:00 - 7:00 PM for weekly volunteer workdays at the Trolley Trail entrance on S. Chamounix Drive. Sign up for one or more! Join us for as much as you can. Together, we will work on: Trail cleanup & maintenance Invasive species removal Trash pick-up Woody cleanup Trail signage project if needed We will provide all the tools, supplies, and materials for the workday, including gloves.
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Open Volunteer Workday – Concourse Lake
Concourse Lake, Philadelphia, PA 19131
June 3rd
9:00am – 12:00pm
Join Fairmount Park Conservancy staff for a volunteer day at Concourse Lake. Together, we will work on tree care (weeding and mulching), trail cleanup, woody cleanup along the lake edge, and trash removal. All tools, including gloves, will be provided.
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Open Volunteer Workday – Parkside Edge
John Welsh Memorial Fountain, Avenue of the Republic, Philadelphia, PA 19104
June 10th
9:00am – 12:00pm
Join Fairmount Park Conservancy staff for a volunteer day at Parkside Edge. Together, we will work on plant care (weeding and mulching), watering, and trash removal. All tools, including gloves, will be provided.
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