Solo Cleanups
Keep Philly's parks clean & green!
Our citywide network of park friends groups usually host hundreds of cleanups in spring and summer, but many of those events have been canceled this due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, our parks are being used more than ever, so we're inviting everyone to pitch in and help out by doing those cleanups solo.
Philly's parks have seen record usage over the past few months and an increase in litter – and many park-goers have reached out, asking what they can do to love their parks during this difficult time. That's why we're excited to launch Love Your Park Solo Cleanups!
Volunteers can go the extra mile by pledging to track how much trash and litter they clean up while enjoying Philly's parks, and can even sign up to receive a free cleanup kit (while supplies last). You can also help by making a donation to cover the cost of a cleanup kit.
How to safely clean up your Philly park

Need some inspiration? These spots in Philly's parks are well used and well loved, and we need your help to make sure these areas are clean and green for park users. To report a trash hot spot in the park, email us at To report a large pile of trash (like construction debris), please contact Philly 311.