boathouse row pic

Fairmount Park Conservancy Open Community Workday

1 Boathouse Row, Philadelphia, PA 19130
March 18th
9:00am – 12:00pm

Join Fairmount Park Conservancy for a volunteer workday in East Fairmount Park on Tuesday, March 18th from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Volunteers will be divided into two groups: Group A - The area around Boathouse Row Group B - The steps toward Lemon Hill Mansion This volunteer event is open to people of all abilities. All tools and materials for the workday will be provided, including gloves. Volunteers will be able to select their project, including: Removing invasive species Trash pick-up Raking leaves MEET-UP LOCATION: 1 Boathouse Row, Philadelphia, PA 19130 You will see our green tent across from Lloyd Hall Recreation Center